The future of work is coming, are your people ready?

Growth and development opportunities that inspire and make the difference.

It’s no big secret that the top performing companies consider their people their biggest asset and consequently invest heavily in them.

—Challenges in today’s corporate world—

Your organisation has a compelling vision and a strategy. You've probably adopted new ways of working such as Agile / Lean frameworks and designed your organisation of the future but now people are fatigued and there's more change coming their way. Traditional approaches are at best no longer working and at worst detrimental.

Many organisations in a variety of industries are finding that siloes still exist, bureaucracy is affecting productivity and the mix of fear and fatigue is stifling ownership and accountability.

To achieve your vision you recognise the need to up-skill more than the technical and domain skills. It's the softer skills that will give you that competitive edge, create an engaged and diverse workforce and a culture where good people want to stay and new talent want to come.

There is so much potential to be unlocked but too few with the skills to do it, how do you move forward?

And that's were we come in as this is the kind of challenge we relish at KEPAGA.


Personal development is the big gaping hole in professional development. It’s where we shift our focus from what I do to who I am. Questions such as how am I experiencing the world of work and how am I being experienced?  That shift in focus we all know will be rewarding and we all know is needed but requires us to be vulnerable and step out of the comfort zone.  It’s where the magic happens and when it does, we all benefit.  If you’re in, we’re in.

 The challenge of the unknown future is so much more exciting than the stories of the accomplished path ~Simon Sinek

—Our 3 core programmes at a glance—

Professional Edge Accelerator

Digital with the option of facilitated conversations

The Professional Edge Accelerator is a fully digitalised online programme made up of three, individual pillars. It takes people on a journey of leadership (from the inside-out).

We customise to your needs. You may choose all three edges, or just one. You may choose to include our topic based facilitator-led team conversations. And you may choose to flow through the course in a guided way or to pick and choose the most relevant topics as and when needed.

Leadership at all Levels

Live, virtual or in person

We design, develop and deliver leadership programmes that are fully immersive. Whilst all of our programmes include elements of the inside, outside and leading edges we believe that each person, team, department, organisation is unique. We start with your desired outcomes, vision and aspirations and work our way back in our design process.

Leadership is needed at all levels of an organisation. Let’s define Leader as a role with a specific set of responsibilities and Leadership being a set of qualities, characteristics and behaviours. As technological developments such as automation, machine learning and AI reshape the world of work, the human qualities of leadership become more important.

However, Leadership historically has been aligned with those in managerial positions. That worked ok when the pace of change was slower and the work more repetitive.  Companies that want to stay competitive in an ever disruptive market will be looking for a culture of leadership at all levels and that can be expedited.

Active Learning (Modelling)

Live, virtual or in person

We believe you probably have all the Leadership qualities, attitudes, characteristics and behaviours your organisation needs to lead your organisation through the next chapter. You just dont have them at scale. Modelling enables you to focus in on what you need for that next chapter, find those pockets of greatness in-house, learn from those in-house exemplars, then replicate and scale that excellence.

Are you making the most of what we know about the human side of transformation?

Download our FREE tips on Human-Centric Strategies for Organisational and Digital Transformations


 —A game changing experience—


"Could I have imagined what would have happened when I started, and where I’ve come to? No. I have grown and it’s an amazing experience with incredible people that have helped me on this journey. Would I recommend it? Absolutely. It’s been the best experience I’ve had.”

LISA ROBINSON | Development Manager, World Pay


What got organisations to the top today, will not keep them there tomorrow. Here’s why:

The World Economic Forum’s latest research* identified that to be competitive in 2025, companies will need a workforce who can master:

Active Learning,





and more!


Historically, these skills have been seen as “the soft stuff” (i.e. the weak stuff). A workplace revolution is needed that affords human-focused intelligences the same status that technical competencies have previously held.

There are thousands of thought leadership articles, research, trends, must-read books, and advanced education courses talking about the problems and opportunities you’re facing…

Our mission is to cut through distraction and chaos to offer programmes that get to the heart of the matter.

Let’s Work Together

It all begins with a simple conversation