Our Team

Every one of our highly experienced team is committed to helping our clients enjoy significance, clarity and freedom. It’s what gets us out of bed in the morning and puts a spring in our step. If you’re in, we’re in.

—Our Chiefs—

  • Co-founder & Chief Mischief Maker

    Kerry worked within Banking in the Financial Services industry sector. Throughout her career she worked in the front office, middle office Finance, Legal, Operations and Technology. It’s fair to say she knows her way around a Corporate environment. She now inspires leaders to reach their fullest potential. She is an award-winning leader through her work in diversity and inclusion. With more than 20 years’ hands-on experience working in the financial services industry she understands these challenges and opportunities facing leaders in the Age of Digital. Her internationally-focused work designing and implementing bespoke leadership and coaching programmes has afforded her the opportunity to learn what the difference is that makes the difference for people and organisations. She is a mischievous explorer of hearts and minds and enables growth and positive change.

    kerry@kepaga.com LinkedIn

  • Co-founder & Chief Evil Genius

    Gabby is a global leader in digital and cultural transformation, previously driving Deutsche Bank’s group-wide adoption of Lean, Agile and DevOps for over 80,000 employees in over a dozen locations worldwide. She led a large cross-functional, multinational, product-oriented transformation team of coaches, trainers, testers, developers, and process experts who were involved in every aspect of change to the organisation's ways of working.

    gabby@kepaga.com LinkedIn

  • Director & Chief Reality Creator

    Sarah's background in people and change started in her professional services career as a Project Manager on global regulatory projects and complex finance transformation programmes. She worked globally leading delivery teams to implement integrated financial systems, business processes and transition projects. Through this project management lens, she saw that the focus on people fell short in many instances and the impact of this was significant on the success of the transformation programmes. She became intrigued by the ‘gap’ and the impact of great leadership. Inspired by possibilities of unlocking potential in others and making a difference, Sarah pivoted to focus on all things people and became an NLP Master Practitioner, Trainer and Coach. Sarah now focuses her time on helping individuals and organisations with a blend of skills, experience and enthusiasm for positive change.

    sarah@kepaga.com LinkedIn

—Our Team—

  • Lorraine has a diverse career history working in Leadership roles within local government for nearly a decade, particularly in the field of the integration of multi-disciplinary teams which promoted and implemented new ways of working together and sharing information.

    She is also a Psychodynamic therapist and a member of the BACP. Working since qualifying in 2015 with private clients within her own practice, enabling exploration and discovery bringing unconscious thought into consciousness, enabling behaviours to be understood. Most recently she has become a NLP practitioner and Master Practitioner.

  • Linnet loves nothing more than seeing people have an ‘a-ha‘ moment that changes the way they look at life. A German native with a Business degree from Trinity College Dublin, Linnet has extensive experience working for international companies.

    She spent more than 12 years in leadership roles both in Project Management and HR. Her industry experience covers Life Sciences, Insurance and Software Development. She's a certified Systemic Coach and NLP Practitioner and has been helping her clients reach their goals as a Personal Development Coach and Trainer since 2017.

  • Kirsty is dedicated to helping people access their personal power so they can determine how they experience their lives. In addition to being an NLP coach, she brings to her work Buddhist thought, mindfulness, life experience, and a love of personal development.

    Prior to becoming a coach, Kirsty worked in HR data/systems/operations roles, and spent more than 20 years at the City of London.

  • Laura is an award-winning trainer, speaker, and self-proclaimed coaching addict. She’s an executive business coach an NLP trainer and has worked internationally for global brands to shape their learning and coaching cultures. She’s the creator of the highly successful Mindset Coaching Company which helps clients access winning mindsets to achieve their goals.

    While at school Laura’s teachers said she “talked too much and laughed too loud” as if it were a bad thing, but she’s built a successful life and career around these guiding principles.